Fan art is like CRACK to a cartoonist! Feel free to feed my monkey.
This is some fan art from our good friend Christopher Harrell, creator of
Hotel Grim. I love what he did to
George's uniform!
ForumPixie gave me this birthday card! Now while I think Toki having arms is kinda freaky, I have to admit I like it.
Another portrait of George, this time submitted by Matt of
Paragon Fishing.
This is meeting of the Keenspace mafia, as portrayed by Matt of Paragon Fishing. Note the lack of weapons. I suspect we use our deadly sarcasm for our "hits".
Christopher Harrell, creator of Hotel
Grim, gives us a damn cool look at the monkey.
- two of the same image, one's in color! These were done by Josh Sortelli of the amazingly non-elfish Elf Only Inn.
Joesco, creator of The Lounge (NSFW
link) presents this excellent 007 version of George! Very cool!
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